Mike Julianelle is a blogger — and a dad. He recently found a photo of himself from ten years ago and he couldn’t believe how different he looked. His younger-self looked so…full of energy.
Having two kids has definitely taken its toll on Julianelle’s energy level and, sadly, it shows in his face. Pure and utter exhaustion. Julianelle knew he couldn’t be the only parent seeing a difference in their looks since they had kids — so he took to Instagram.

Julianelle posted the picture from ten years ago side-by-side with a picture of him now. He posted the pictures along with the caption:
“Wanna see something REALLY scary? Here’s me, before and after I had kids! Want to play along? This October, I’m opening up @gottoddlered to your submissions of your scariest “Before and After Kids” pics! If you’re not afraid, send your photos – and your IG name if you want me to share it – to gottoddlered@gmail.com and let the nightmares begin!”
Photos of parents before and after having kids began flooding in — the results are hysterical.
If you’re apparent, you’ll definitely be able to relate. If you’re not a parent, these pictures could end up being a form of birth control.
1. From glamorous to grumpy.

2. Oh, to put on makeup and go out on the town with friends. Now? Mom bun. Makeup? Yeah, right.

3. She once drank for fun. Now, it’s for sanity.

4. Julianelle was excited to see there were other dads out there as exhausted as he was.

5. “Partying” takes on a different meaning when you have a toddler.

6. Then there’s this guy who is just making everyone feel bad about themselves.

7. “It’s like watching a caterpillar transform into a butterfly, only in reverse.”

8. Still smiling. Now, it’s just a little…crazy-looking.

9. Remember backpacking through Europe and going to Oktoberfest? Yeah…

10. These rockstar parents are raising a little ‘mini-them.’

11. Okay, this is too much.

12. “This psychopath went from zero to #gottoddlered when she and her husband ADOPTED two kids under three years old! “

13. He’s completely lost it.

14. Las Vegas cabana days are long gone — and she knows it.

15. So young and full of naive confidence. Then reality sets in and you doubt everything you thought you knew.

16. Date nights are officially on the sofa. Asleep.

17. Vacations are slightly different with kids.

18. Julianelle shares another one of his side-by-side comparisons.

19. The joy must have run out of their bundle.

20. Two totally different types of handfuls.

21. Twins smacked the smile right off this guy’s face.

22. She sleeps in five-minute increments while standing up now.

23. Things got out of control quickly.

24. Her face today says it all.

25. Late nights have turned into early mornings.

26. “I didn’t even know zombies could breastfeed!”

27. Drinking beer on the floor is just as fun as wine in fancy black gloves.

28. Costumes seem to go from sexy to snuggly after having children.

29. The classic foot-in-the-face look.

30. Four months in and she’s already hiding under a throw blanket.
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