No Fairy Godmother in the audience that night. Just a really brilliantly designed costume that took everyone’s breath away. It was still as magical as the original version.
See, when Cinderella was pressed and crushed by her stepmother and stepsisters, she remained calm and humble. She ended up glowing as the most beautiful girl for an evening.

Salagadoola mechicka boola…
This Cinderella transformation dress brought to memory that beloved tale of a young girl who ended up living with her wicked stepmother and stepsisters after her parents passed away.

There are many versions of the story, but it’s Disney’s 1950 animated film that people remember so fondly. It is the thought of being crushed by oppression with nothing left but hope that viewers relate to.
When her stepmother and stepsisters leave for the prince’s ball, they leave her crying with her dress shredded at the hands of the sisters.

Cinderella runs to the garden, hysterical and broken, when suddenly her Fairy Godmother appears consoling the sobbing young girl before telling Cinderella that she’s going to that ball.

That shredded dress is transformed in to a dazzling blue gown. And don’t forget the glass slippers!
Designed and made by Becky Trigg, this transformation dress takes Cinderella’s slave dress and with a pull from the collar, flips it inside out revealing that gorgeous blue dress.

That audience though. They watch the model with fascination wondering what in the world is going on as “A dream is a wish your heart makes” plays in the background.
She walks around looking sullen before making her way to the center, spinning and spinning before pulling down on the front to flip the dress in a grand reveal of the surprise.

Put them together and what have you got?
Now for the mice, dog, horse, and pumpkin to transform. Now that would have been a sight!
Still, for a production that seemed to be on a budget of sorts, it is pretty impressive.
“Absolutely gorgeous! Well done! I think I would probably have found an alternative to the hoop (maybe weights) because it doesn’t feel like it’s hanging quite right there, but the dress, the swirl, the costuming, all absolutely wonderful.”
Comments a viewer.

That audience is mostly made up of older men and women too. It’s like the dress triggered memories of their childhood. Like there was a certain magic that took over the place.
Another really impressed viewer said,
“Very, very cool and creative costume transformation. I must agree with some others here, that the model does not seem very enthusiastic about modeling her outfit at first (“very stiff”), but, she does show more life eventually. Very neat!”
Perhaps the model was nervous about the whole pulling down and transforming part?

The only thing missing for this performance were glass slippers. It is amazing what creative fashion designers can do though. This transformation literally changed the vibe in that room!
Hit play below and see the stunning transformation take place!
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