Not even the best marketing people can think of something this crazy.
How do you make reviews of the products you buy? Of course, we’d tell people that it was doing what it was supposed to do. However, that’s only easy for tools and such.

A woman hilariously framed her review that achieved two things that a marketing team has always dreamed of – virility and authenticity.
Amazon users might have started when they saw a review for a pair of yoga pants.
A woman named Cory H. made a review that definitely made people buy the pants. She said “Order them right now,” and that she’ll “reorder the pants in every color.”

The yoga pants were marketed as non-see-through and were forgiving when stretched in different directions. If you’re in for fitness, those words can be enough for a sale.

But words are just words and in a storefront as big as Amazon, or any other online shop for that matter, false advertising can also be prevalent. So what did the woman do?
Cory H. posted photos of her rolling down a mountain.
She can be seen sliding down a rock face. She said she was too scared to get up so she had to stay at that dangerous angle.
i think about this twice per week
— emmy (@emmycantread) November 6, 2021
But all throughout the ordeal, something stayed with her in times of desperation and extreme need – her yoga pants.
She said, “my legging did not rip, not even a little bit.”
And when you’re rolling down the mountainside, a sturdy pair of pants is something you’d most definitely need.

Cory H. even said she was stuck on rocks and trees, and still, the pants didn’t yield. If that’s not a good product, then we don’t know what is.
Her review was “found helpful” by more than 10,000 people.
It also garnered the company some substantial sales after this honest, reliable, and hilarious review. Cory H. was also safe, because how else could she write such an amazing review?

“What a public service this review is. Not all heroes may wear capes, but most of them do wear leggings,” one commenter allegedly joked.
“People who provide pictures on Amazon are the backbone of society,” another one wrote, commending Cory H.’s comprehensive review. Such reviews are rare since most comments are vague.

Others also wished that the company give Cory H. free yoga pants and other sporting apparel because of her post.
It was not only Cory H. who posted hilarious reviews on Amazon.
A reviewer said that a herd of horses has accepted him as one of their own when he wore a horse head costume.
Another one said they were just expecting to file their nails but after using a Swiss knife, they accidentally fixed a small engine. “Which was nice,” according to the review.

One left a review on a portable pizza pouch, and it is exactly what you think it looks like. A triangle-shaped pouch that can hold an average-sized slice. The reviewer said his pizza saved him after being stranded and that he wasn’t even hungry when he returned to civilization.
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