We’ve all heard of the Grinch who tried to swipe Christmas joy.
But it seems even some of our furry friends can’t resist a little holiday mischief!
In a lighthearted twist on seasonal theft, one determined dog decided to treat himself to a Christmas present from a Smith’s supermarket in Murray, Utah, making a getaway with a treat straight off the shelf.

The story, as reported by KSL News, starts with a playful introduction from the news anchors: “Well, some people just can’t wait to open their Christmas presents!”
They were, of course, referring to a rather unconventional shopper—a four-legged thief who knew just where to look for a holiday snack.
Without immediately revealing that the “culprit” was actually a dog, the anchors kept viewers in suspense, eventually admitting that the “thief” was a lovable dog who had his heart set on one specific item.

So, what treasure did this furry shopper manage to nab?
The prized loot was none other than a rawhide bone, worth just $2.79.
Hardly a high-stakes heist, but this dog seemed to have his priorities straight.
He didn’t even glance at the meat aisle; instead, he went directly to aisle 16, where the pet food and treats awaited.
It seems this pup knew exactly what he was looking for!

The store’s manager had a good laugh about the incident.
He humorously called the dog a “brand new customer” who didn’t even have a “fresh value card.”
One can only imagine the details of this “police report” for such a unique case: “Male, grey fur, about 3 feet tall, a wagging tail, responds to treats and barks at mailmen.”

The manager watched as the dog headed out the door, bone in mouth, and opted not to intervene.
After all, nobody wants to end up on the wrong side of a determined dog’s jaw when he’s carrying out his holiday mission.
It seems the pooch had a plan and wasn’t going to let anything get in his way.

In a comedic turn, Marshall Tanner, an “expert” brought in to explain the dog’s antics, analyzed the behavior, explaining, “The dog smelled the rawhide bone, grabbed it, and walked out of the store. Thereby being a shoplifting dog!”
According to Tanner, the dog’s sense of smell—100,000 times stronger than a human’s—might have guided him right to the treat.
There’s no doubt he sniffed out exactly what he wanted!

The anchors playfully noted that this daring dog is “still at large,” now enjoying his “Christmas gift” somewhere out there.
Although the pooch’s owner is still unknown, it’s easy to imagine them wondering how their dog returned home with a Christmas surprise that they certainly didn’t buy.
Maybe they assumed it was a gift from Santa Paws himself!

If you’re wondering if there will be a follow-up on this high-profile “case,” it’s doubtful.
After all, it might take a detective dog to catch this crafty canine.
One can only laugh at the idea of tracking him down with the same strategies we’d use for human shoplifters—this dog is clearly a pro at sniffing out opportunities.

Watch the video below to see this hilarious news report for yourself!
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