They get bit, scratched, and peed on, and they angry pet owners who are upset over having to pay an arm and a leg. Vets have a lot to deal with in their profession. And it isn’t always easy.
But they do it all just because they want your pets to healthy and happy. And because it’s their job.
But some veterinarians take all these things with a grain of salt. Afterall, you’ve got to have a sense of humor to get through the rough stuff. Especially, when you’re getting peed on.
And these vets absolutely do. So much so that they’ll post it loud and clean in front of their clinic.
Here are some vet hospitals with the most hilarious signs. So funny that you’ll wish they were your pet’s vet.
Let Your Pet Stay While You Go And Covefefe, Boarding Now Available
Because it doesn’t get any funnier than Trump’s tweets.

Unattended Children Will Be Given a Cappuccino and a Free Kitten, Then Sent Home
The punishment fits the crime.

DNA Testing Done Here. Who’s Your Doggie’s Daddy?
Spot is NOT the father.

Now Watch Me Snip Watch Me Spay Spay
Are you sure you don’t mean Whip and Nae Nae? Not sure if vets should be dancing while performing surgery.

Neutering Your Pet Makes Them Less Nuts
In more ways than one.

Your Pets Will Love Us We Shih Tzu Not
If they don’t then their owners will.

Why Don’t Cats Play Cards? Too Many Cheetahs
Lame. Funny… but still lame.

Live Nude Dogs! Free Lap Dances!
Ummm… too far? No?

If You Don’t Talk To Your Cat About Catnip, Who Will?
I learned it from watching you cat!

Dinosaurs Never Went to The Vet. Look What Happened
They all went extinct. Do you want your dog to become extinct?

We Like Big Mutts and We Can Not Life
You other owners can’t deny, but when a Bernese Mountain Dog gets in your face with his cute furry face you get sprung.

Fifty Shades of Spay
For those of you with naughty dogs.

Energizer Bunny Arrested, Charged With Battery
He was sentenced to 11 years of going, and going, and going.

The 5 Second Rule Dogs Not Apply When You have a 2 Second Dog

That piece of food your dropped won’t be there when you go to pick it up. Your dog already ate it.
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