Children’s toys are meant for fun, but they can be quite dangerous. One child became a parent’s worst nightmare when he choked on a popular bouncy ball. His mother is heartbroken beyond belief, but she is using this opportunity to warn other parents of the dangers of the toy.
Alby Davis was about to turn 4-years-old when tragedy struck. He and his mom, Anna, were preparing for his upcoming birthday party. They had decided to include bouncy balls as party favors, and Alby was playing with one. That’s when the scene took a nightmarish turn.

Anna was three feet away from Alby when she saw him start choking. She rushed over to help him, desperately hoping that CPR could save his life. Unfortunately, her little boy died in her arms.
It took the paramedics 16 minutes to arrive on the scene, during which time the little boy suffocated to death. Anna and her husband were devastated.
When the day came that would have been Alby’s fourth birthday, they decided to honor his life in the sweetest way possible. Anna posted a beautiful message to her son on Instagram.

“Darling Alby,
Today, despite the fact you are no longer with us, we celebrate and honour your fourth sunshine journey.
Your daddy and I visited you this morning, holding your hands and stroking your hair, for what I wish could have been an eternity. We placed your much-longed for gift – a waterproof watch with a light – around your tiny little wrist, and tried not to shower you with too many tears as we painted your fingernails with your favourite gold glitter polish. Time spent with you is never enough and leaving without you by our side, summons the most unbearable pain we’ve ever had to endure.
Our arms are yearning for the thousands of cuddles yet to be given, our ears are longing for your laughter to once again resound through the walls of our home, and our hearts are shattered for the millions of memories we’ll never have the chance to create.
We, along with the world, are weeping, but we take solace in the fact that all you ever knew, in your almost-four-years, was nothing but love. We are eternally grateful for the abundant light you brought to our lives and now know that your purpose was so much higher than any of us ever anticipated.
Happy birthday sweetheart. We miss you endlessly.”

The loss affected the Davis family in a way they never could have prepared for. Anna first shared news of her son’s passing with a beautiful message of hope:
“Yesterday afternoon, our beautiful, beautiful Alby, our darling baby boy, grew wings and flew from this earth,” she wrote. “Minutes pass like hours and the gaping hole in our lives and hearts is completely incomprehensible. We adore you beyond belief, our sweet little fox. Forever three, forever free.”
Anna’s sweet son died just 40 minutes after she took this adorable photo.

Of course, many people on the internet started making assumptions about the circumstances surrounding Alby’s passing.

Anna posted pictures of the ball online, proving that it was noticeably larger than the 50 cent piece used to measure against young children’s toys.

The ball even came with a warning for ages 3 and under – Alby had been almost a full year over that age.

Alby may not have been on this earth long, but his death serves as a powerful warning to parents everywhere.
His family is working hard to make the best of a horrific situation. Anna’s message to the world is one of hope and love.
“No words could ever express the depths of our gratitude for the outpouring of love we have received since our worst nightmare became our daily reality. During this time of immense grief, your thoughts, prayers, sympathy and tears have enveloped and uplifted us, and we could never thank you enough for your overwhelming generosity and support.”

If you would like to show your support to Alby’s family, you can visit their GoFundMe page.
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