Ah, college. If I’m going to be honest with you, I am so glad I’m no longer there. That said, it did teach me some valuable lessons like, don’t wait until 2 AM the morning a 15-page paper is due to actually start the paper, don’t schedule any classes before 10 AM, don’t schedule any classes for Friday period (and if you do, be prepared to miss at least 75% of class sessions) and don’t, whatever you do, trust that the chicken they put in your chicken burritos is real chicken. See, I learned a lot of valuable life lessons from my time at school.
All that said, college really was a wonderful experience and blah, blah, blah. You know, because I am really not a person who has the words to explain just how wonderful of an experience college actually was, I’m going to leave these 30 memes right here, all of which my fellow college grads and current students can undoubtedly relate to:
1. And…let’s just jump right in with all the ways your college education is going to let you down.

2. Some kids figured out early on that a college degree would cost more than it would make them.

3. There are some people out there who haven’t stopped using this technique (evident by this clever marketing).

4. And you put your heart and soul into drafting that email too.

5. This is so true it’s not even funny.

6. I don’t think my TV stand today is as expensive as a semester’s worth of books.

7. As a college student, you’re always going above and beyond.

8. Without fail. And then, when it comes test time, the only damn information they test you on is the information they shared on that day you weren’t there.

9. This guy sums up every thought I’ve ever had toward school papers. #MyHero

10. I still do this when I know I have a deadline to meet. Laundry that’s sat for over a week? Folded. Bills I’ve been neglecting to pay? Paid. Every New Year’s resolution I’ve failed to uphold. Upheld.

11. Again, it’s the whole deadline thing…I can’t hang.

12. High schoolers are so naive.

13. There’s always that one overachiever. Jk…kind of.

14. This doesn’t change much after college. “Oh, I’m fine, everything is fine, it’s all goooooddd.”

15. Ain’t nobody got time for that!

16. Who we kidding? Chocolate is like gold in college because no one can actually afford it!

17. When your parents don’t make enough to fund your tuition but they make just enough to disqualify you from financial aid. #TheStruggleisReal

18. Teachers are so full of contradictions.

19. Teachers: teaching you useless crap since the dawn of time. (Side note: thank you teachers for teaching me everything I know. I wouldn’t be where I am today without *most* of you).

20. Guilty.

21. This kind of stress doesn’t stop for us overachievers.

22. That moment when you decide that deadlines are for losers.

23. That moment when you realize that college was just the government’s evil plan to suck all the joy right out of you.

24. Nope. Just nope.

25. And here’s one of those obnoxiously nice teachers again, killing what motivation any of us did have.

26. And the biggest mistake any professor can make is…

27. Because for many, an edumacation ain’t worth those tax dollars.

28. When there are soooo many better things to be doing with your time.

29. When you solve all of life’s problems early.

30. Probably how you feel about this post.

31. And how you’ll feel once you graduate and you just DGAF.

Ah, college: it’ll change your life forever. I’ll leave you to infer what, exactly, I mean by that.
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