You probably never knew it until you moved into your own home, but decorating can be incredibly expensive. The good news is that it doesn’t have to be. If you’re willing to do a little research and use some elbow grease, there’s no reason why you can’t DIY beautiful home decor.
Just take this handy tutorial from YouTube DIY guru Nastazsa.
She shares an easy way to make a beautiful DIY light-up “headboard” with just a few simple materials.
To start, you’ll need a curtain rod, a sheer curtain, a couple of boxes of LED string lights, and several packs of command hooks.

She showed how she mounted the curtain rod above her bed, adjusting for the size of the mattress.
Then she neatly lined up the command hooks underneath it in a straight line.
“Now you’re going to begin adding your lights,” she says. “And you’re going to have to be really patient with this part. If you’re using new lights like I did, they tend to get kind of tangled up.”

How many lights you’ll need depends on how big the headboard will be — which, of course, depends on the size of your mattress!
After looping the lights, it’s time to hang up the curtain! Sheer curtains are best, of course, since they let the beautiful lights stay visible. The result? A simple and gorgeous light-up “headboard” that’ll turn your room into a comfortable, softly-lit nook.

People had plenty to say about the DIY tutorial.
Some even had suggestions for how to improve the idea or customize it for their own needs or tastes.
“Beautiful, I may do this in my master behind a queen bed,” wrote one commenter. “Thinking I may use a colored sheer.”

“I love this,” wrote another commenter.
“If you want to make it into a canopy, you could always use a double curtain rod and 4 more curtains. Sew the bottom of one curtain to the top of another, repeat. You now have 2 extra-long curtains that you can drape along the ceiling, staple to the ceiling at the end of your bed, then let the remainder hang down at the end of your bed.”
Some commenters also emphasized that you should use LED lights, not regular Christmas or “fairy” lights, as these could be a fire hazard. It’s also a good idea to turn the lights off when not in use to avoid burning them out. With certain kinds of lights, too much use could lead to overheating or waste by burning the bulbs out too quickly.

Others, meanwhile, wanted to share their experiences of doing this project — especially how little it cost.
“I just did this project last night and it turned out absolutely amazing!!!” wrote one commenter. “I spent about $80 on all the materials.”

There’s no doubt about it — making your home comfortable and beautiful doesn’t have to be hard. All it takes is a little DIY magic!
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