Looks aren’t everything. However, in a world where first impressions are a big deal, it can be nice to pay a little extra attention to your looks. Even women who aren’t on the market like to dress to impress. It’s just a part of womanhood.

One woman worked her butt off for her family, but she spent so much energy that she was too tired to think much about fashion. Instead she dressed herself in comfortable clothing and went about her day. When she finally got a makeover, she was hardly recognizable.
Christine is a modern day hero. She is a working woman who dedicates all of her free time to being with her family. She has raised three beautiful daughters, and she has stayed by her husband’s side during a very difficult time.

Five years ago, Christine’s husband had a stroke. This traumatic event left Christine as the only working parent. She had to raise her kids, pay the bills, and look after her husband. That is a lot for any woman to take on.
Christine works as a Rehab Nurse, so she frequently faces long and difficult hours. This job is stressful, and her home situation made Christine even more exhausted. With so much on her plate, fashion fell to the sidelines. She stopped shopping, stopped sporting the new looks, and stopped caring so much about what she was wearing.

Christine’s children described her clothing as “comfortable.” This woman was doing her best to hold it all together, and her closet was not her first priority. In fact, she had even held onto some outfits from the 1980’s. Clearly, something had to be done.

Christine’s kids reached out to the Rachael Ray show. They thought their mom deserved a makeover – and much of the internet agreed. With a few little fixes, this busy nurse was going to look better than ever.
Rachael Ray accepted Christine as a guest, and the team gave her the “mother of all makeovers.” They invited her family to watch the big reveal, and they showed Christine’s head-turning transformation.

It is hard to believe this is the same woman! Christine showed up to the set wearing sweatpants and a broken pair of glasses. When she left, she was more glamorous than her family could have imagined.
Christine came out from behind the stage looking more confident than ever. Her hair had been blown out into a voluminous masterpiece that looked shiny and healthy. Her glasses fit perfectly, and her clothing was stylish.

She donned an earth tone green dress with black heels and a black leather jacket. Judging by the looks on her daughters’ faces, Christine had never looked so fashionable. The girls couldn’t stop themselves from shouting when they saw their mom for the first time; she looked truly incredible.
Christine’s clothing was different, but the feature that stood out most was the smile that dominated her face. This woman was absolutely glowing thanks to the support of her family. Sure, it was nice to have a new set of clothes, but it meant even more that her loved ones came out to support her.

Christine jokingly admitted that she didn’t recognize herself when she looked in the mirror. Finally, her immense inner beauty was shining through. Her happiness radiated like a light, brightening the entire room. This was one moment the family would never forget.
Christine’s daughters were so grateful to their mom for the love and support she had given them, and they were glad to watch her do something good for herself. No one deserved this incredible experience more than Christine did.

“Our mom is a true superhero,” one of her daughter’s explained. “She’s the least selfish person I know. Everything she does is for everyone else.”
Looks aren’t everything, but looking good can certainly make a person feel good. Christine got in touch with her fashionable side thanks to the support of her husband and children. Now the whole world can see her the way her family does.
Watch the inspiring video below!
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