An uplifting note from a stranger to a family with twins will tug at your heartstrings.
On Father’s Day of 2016, Dan and Maxi Cortez took their twin daughters, Harlow and Harper, to Red Lobster for quality time together. The family of four just finished eating their meal when the waitress handed them their bill. A stranger footed the bill for the family of four and left a sweet note on the back.
“Happy Father’s Day! Enjoy your babies, they don’t stay little long. From the family across from you, God bless you.”

The strangers who paid the bill had no idea just how meaningful and uplifting this note was for Maxi and Dan.
Maxi took to Facebook to share the note with her friends and family members. She thanked the family of strangers for the kind gesture and she spent a few moments explaining why she found the note so uplifting.

“To the family in Red Lobster who sat across from us today. You never ask a question we never spoke a word. Yet you did something for us that we will never forget. When the waitress handed us your note the tears began to fall. To you we looked like just a family of 4 celebrating the most important man in our lives. Little did you know last year we celebrated as a family of 5.
You see this past year we lost one of our triplets! The holidays are always the hardest. Without knowing any of this you paid for our meal. You might never know our story or the impact of something so little could effect our lives. I’m writing you to thank you from the bottom of our hearts! I hope this post reaches you, so one day you might know that what might seemed like a small gesture of kindness to you, made celebrating my wonderful husband just a little bit easier this year!”
Many of Maxi and Dan’s friends and family members who responded to the Facebook post believed the note was a sign from baby Landon.

“There are still good souls out there, the TV might make it seem otherwise but God does have a plan for us all and does work in mysterious ways! Happy Father’s Day!”
According to Inspire More, Dan and Maxi tried a round of IVF after infertility prevented them from having a baby. After just one round, the couple became pregnant with triplets.
On May 27, 2015, Maxi gave birth to Harlow, Harper, and their brother Landon via C-section.
The couple took three gorgeous and healthy triplets home after just three weeks in NICU. Two weeks passed, and Landon started acting off. Dan rushed his son to the hospital and learned Landon had bacterial meningitis.
“From the time he was born he never closed his eyes. He just wanted to be awake all the time. It’s like he knew that he only had a short time.”

At just seven weeks old, Landon passed away.
The year 2016 marked the first Father’s Day the family shared together without Landon. This random act of kindness occurred just when the Cortez family needed it the most.

Those interested in following the twins as they continue to grow can follow Maxi Cortez on Facebook, where she frequently shares pictures of her two girls.
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